〜へ 〜に 行く・〜へ 〜に 来る・〜へ 〜に 帰る



  場所 + 動詞ます + 行く or 来る or 帰る

  場所 + 名詞 + 行く or 来る or 帰る



【訳文】This sentence pattern indicates the act of moving toward a specific place with a goal or purpose.



【訳文】Let’s go to the park for a walk.


【訳文】Are you going to the library to study?


【訳文】I will go to the headquarters to confirm the contract.


【訳文】I’m going to the supermarket to shop.


【訳文】If you go back home to retrieve something you forgot, please hurry.


N4 〜て いく ★★☆

N4 〜て くる ★★☆