名詞の + たび (+ に)
動詞辞書形 + たび (+ に)
【Translation】「〜たびに」is a sentence pattern used to express that a certain situation always accompanies a specific action or event each time it occurs.
【Translation】Every time I listen to this song, I remember my school days.
【Translation】Every time she cooks, she tries to improve the recipe.
【Translation】Every time I look at this photo, I remember the fun trip.
【Translation】Every time I take a walk, I discover a new shop.
【Translation】Every time I go on a business trip, I meet new people.
N3 〜おきに ★★
N2 〜ごとに ★★☆
N5 〜ずつ ★★☆
N2 〜に つき ★★