動詞 or 形容詞 or 形容動詞 or 名詞 + のみ + ならず
動詞 or 形容詞 or 形容動詞 or 名詞 + のみか
【Translation】This sentence pattern emphasizes that not only one matter but also other things can simultaneously be true or valid.
【Translation】The protagonist of this movie is not only brave but also has a kind heart.
【Translation】She is not only good at singing but also great at dancing.
【Translation】This product is not only cheap but also performs excellently.
【Translation】This restaurant not only has great food but also offers excellent service.
【Translation】He is not grateful, and even holds a grudge.
N2 〜のみ ならず ★★
N3 〜だけで なく ★★☆
N2 〜に 限らず ★★
N1 〜に 止まらず ★☆