


  動詞 or 動詞 + なら

  形容詞 or 形容詞 + なら

  形容動詞 + なら

  名詞 + なら



【訳文】「なら」is a conjunction used to express hypothetical or conditional situations, stating that if a particular condition or premise is established, the speaker will express their opinion, intention, or advice. It is also often used in response to another person’s statement or situation.



【訳文】If you finish your homework, you can play.


【訳文】If I have time, I want to meet my friends.


【訳文】If it is an emergency, please evacuate immediately.


【訳文】If you go to Osaka, I recommend takoyaki.


【訳文】 If you like it, eat lots of it.


N4 〜と(仮定・条件) ★★★

N4 〜ば ★★★

N4 〜たら ★★★