


  動詞 + くらい or ぐらい

  形容詞辞書+ くらい or ぐらい

  形容動詞 + くらい or ぐらい

  名詞 + くらい or ぐらい



【訳文】This sentence pattern is used to express a small degree or time, often in situations where something can be lightly considered or is minimal.



【訳文】I’m so sad that I feel like crying.


【訳文】If it’s a problem as easy as that, I can solve it right away.


【訳文】I can carry this much luggage by myself.


【訳文】At least offer some tea.


【訳文】The weather today is warm enough for the cherry blossoms to bloom.


N5 どのぐらい ★★★

N2 〜くらいなら ★★

N3 〜ほど ★★

N1 たかが 〜くらいで ★★