


  動詞 + ほど

  形容詞 + ほど

  形容動詞 + ほど

  名詞 + ほど



【訳文】「ほど」is used to express the degree or comparison of a certain state or extent, or to compare it with something else.



【訳文】It was so beautiful that it was astonishing.


【訳文】His story was unbelievably interesting.


【訳文】Today is not as cold as yesterday.


【訳文】I laughed so hard at his joke that my stomach hurt.


【訳文】This curry is so spicy that it makes me cry.


N3 〜ほど〜ない(最高) ★★

N3 〜ば〜ほど ★★

N3 くらい・ぐらい ★★☆

N1 〜ほどの ことでは ない ★☆

N1 〜にも ほどが ある ★☆

N4 〜ほど〜ない ★★☆