動詞 + だろうか
形容詞 + だろうか
形容動詞 + だろうか
名詞 + だろうか
【訳文】This sentence pattern is used to express doubt or uncertainty about something. It is used when the speaker is questioning themselves or others, asking for the opinion of the listener or confirming their own thoughts.
【訳文】I wonder if he will really come.
【訳文】I wonder if this problem can really be solved.
【訳文】I wonder if this movie is interesting.
【訳文】I wonder if that is correct.
【訳文】I wonder if he is the culprit.
N1 〜だろうが 〜だろうが ★☆
N5 〜だろう・〜でしょう ★★★
N1 〜で なくて なん だろう ★☆