動詞 + うちに
形容詞辞書形 + うちに
形容動詞な + うちに
名詞の + うちに
【Translation】「〜うちに」is a phrase used to express performing an action within a certain range of time or state. It is often used when something needs to be done before a condition changes.
【Translation】Let’s go home before it starts raining.
【Translation】You should study more while you are still a student.
【Translation】Let’s take pictures while the weather is good.
【Translation】Please evacuate while it is still safe.
【Translation】Please send the data while the network is connected.
N4 〜の うち ★★☆
N3 〜うちは ★★
N2 〜か〜ないかの うちに ★★
N2 〜うちに 入らない ★☆
N5 〜中 ★★★