〜やら 〜やら



  動詞辞書+ やら + 動詞辞書+ やら

  形容詞辞書+ やら + 形容詞辞書+ やら

  名詞 + やら + 名詞 + やら



【Translation】「やら」is used when listing multiple items and often suggests that the things listed are uncertain or ambiguous. It shows that the speaker is unsure or feels there are multiple choices.



【Translation】I’m busy with studying, working part-time, and so on.


【Translation】It’s too hot, I’m too sleepy, and I can’t focus on my work.


【Translation】It’s a mess outside with the rain and wind and everything else.


【Translation】There are books, notebooks, and other things scattered on the desk.


【Translation】All he talks about is how difficult and tough the job is and he complains.


N4 〜とか ★★★