〜ても よろしい でしょうか



  動詞ても + よろしいでしょう



【Translation】This sentence pattern is an extremely polite form used to ask for permission, often used in daily conversations or business settings when making formal requests. It is a more respectful form than「〜てもいいですか」.



【Translation】May I check this document?


【Translation】Is it alright if I sit here?


【Translation】May I talk to you for a moment?


【Translation】May I request more detailed information about your products?


【Translation】Would it be alright if I ask further questions about this proposal?


N4 〜させて ください ★★☆

N4 〜て もらえますか ★★★

N4 〜て くれますか ★★★

N4 〜て いただけますか ★★☆

N3 〜ても よろしい でしょうか ★★☆