


  名詞 + きっかけ

  名詞 + きっかけ (+ して)

  名詞 + きっかけ (+ して)



【Translation】This sentence pattern indicates the direct cause or trigger that starts something. It is used when a particular event or action leads to a later change or result.



【Translation】It was his comment that triggered the cancellation of the project.


【Translation】Studying abroad became the opportunity for her to start learning English seriously.


【Translation】Reading a certain book made him decide to become a writer.


【Translation】A friend’s recommendation was what got him started on running.


【Translation】His speech prompted me to reevaluate my life.


N2 〜契機 ★☆

N2 〜ついで に ★★☆

N1 〜を 機に ★★