


  名詞 + 過ぎ

  動詞ます+ 過ぎ

  形容詞語幹 + 過ぎ

  形容動詞 + 過ぎ



【Translation】「〜過ぎ」is an expression that indicates exceeding a certain degree, used to show excessiveness or an inappropriate state. It can also be used when combined with nouns of time or quantity to show something that slightly exceeds a certain amount or time. Similar to "over …” in English.



【Translation】Please call me a little after 5 in the evening.


【Translation】He works too much.


【Translation】She worries too much.


【Translation】You are overthinking this problem.


【Translation】It's been more than 5 minutes.


N4 〜過ぎる ★★☆

N2 〜に 過ぎない ★★