動詞辞書形 + 折りに
動詞た形 + 折りに
【Translation】「〜折りに」is used to express that an action or event occurs based on a particular opportunity or circumstance, mainly used in formal contexts.
【Translation】During our last meeting, we discussed the upcoming project.
【Translation】I would love to talk to you in more detail about this project next time we meet.
【Translation】When I return to my home country, I will buy gifts for my family.
【Translation】When I met the professor, I reported on the research I have done so far.
【Translation】On the occasion of the celebration, we took photos together.
N5 〜とき ★★★
N5 〜場合 ★★★
N2 〜際に ★★☆
N2 〜に 際して ★★