名詞を + 問わず
名詞は + 問わず
【Translation】This sentence pattern expresses that something applies universally, without regard for any condition or restriction. It’s used when discussing broad situations or conditions.
【Translation】This job is open to anyone, regardless of age.
【Translation】Anyone is welcome regardless of experience, as long as they are motivated.
【Translation】This event will be held regardless of the weather.
【Translation】There are no gender restrictions. Anyone is welcome to apply.
【Translation】Regardless of your age, I want you to take on the challenge.
N2 〜に 関わる ★★
N2 〜にも 関わらず ★★
N2 ~に 関わりなく ★★
N3 〜に 関する・〜に 関して ★★☆