〜と ともに



  動詞辞書 + ともに

  形容詞 + ともに

  名詞 + ともに



【Translation】This sentence pattern expresses actions or phenomena occurring simultaneously. It is used when changes or progress happen in parallel, or when something is closely related to something else. This is commonly used in written form as a formal expression.



【Translation】As I age, my physical strength has declined.


【Translation】Along with his promotion, his responsibilities also increased.


【Translation】Along with economic development, environmental issues are becoming more serious.


【Translation】She has excellent leadership skills and is also an excellent salesperson.


【Translation】With the introduction of the new system, work efficiency improved significantly.


N2 〜に 伴って ★★

N2 〜に 従って ★★

N3 〜に つれて ★★