〜に 至る・〜に 至って(は・も)



  動詞辞書 + 至る

  名詞 + 至る

  動詞辞書 + 至って (+ or )

  名詞 + 至って (+ or )



【Translation】This sentence pattern is used to indicate reaching a certain result, state, or place. It expresses the culmination of actions or events leading to a final outcome.



【Translation】His efforts bore fruit, and he finally achieved success.


【Translation】Now that it has come to this problem, no one can solve it.


【Translation】Even after reaching that result, he still hasn’t acknowledged his mistake.


【Translation】 Even after reaching such a situation, she is still thinking positively.


【Translation】There must have been some reason why this problem became so big.


N1 〜に 至るまで ★☆

N1 〜の 至りだ