名詞の + 至りだ
【Translation】This sentence pattern highlights the extreme limits of emotions or situations. It is commonly associated with specific nouns such as 「光栄」(honor), 「感激」(deeply moved), or 「若気」(youthful vigor) to express extremity.
【Translation】It is the utmost honor to receive such an award.
【Translation】I am deeply touched by your kind words.
【Translation】Out of youthful recklessness, I did many foolish things back then.
【Translation】I am deeply honored to have met the professor.
【Translation】It is an utmost honor to be able to speak in front of such distinguished individuals.
N1 〜の 極みだ ★☆
N1 〜に 至るまで ★☆
N1 〜に 至って ★☆