動詞た形たら + きりがない
動詞ば形 + きりがない
【Translation】This sentence pattern expresses a situation or topic that continues endlessly or appears to have no conclusion. It is used to describe scenarios where something seems infinite or discussions with no foreseeable end.
【Translation】Once I started eating sweets, there was no end to it.
【Translation】If you listen to his excuses, it’ll never end.
【Translation】If you keep focusing on the details, it will never end.
【Translation】There are so many factors in this problem that I could give endless examples.
【Translation】If you dwell on the past, there’s no end to it, so let’s move forward.
N1 〜ては やりきれない ★☆
N3 〜きる ★★
N3 〜きれる・〜きれない ★★☆