動詞と + までは + いかないが or いかないと しても
形容詞と + までは + いかないが or いかないと しても
形容動詞と + までは + いかないが or いかないと しても
名詞と + までは + いかないが or いかないと しても
【Translation】This sentence pattern indicates that while a goal or expectation may not have been fully achieved, a certain degree of success or state has been reached. It is used to convey partial satisfaction even in less-than-ideal circumstances.
【Translation】It wasn’t a huge success, but the event turned out fairly well.
【Translation】It’s not perfect, but I think we achieved a satisfactory result.
【Translation】I don’t plan to clean every day, but I intend to do it two or three times a week.
【Translation】It may not be a complete recovery, but the symptoms have improved significantly.
【Translation】This house may not be ideal, but it’s comfortable enough to live in.
N1 〜とまでは 言わないが ★☆