


  動詞ます+ ならがに or ならがの

  名詞 + ならがに or ならがの



【Translation】This sentence pattern is used to describe actions or states that continue as they are or have remained unchanged since the past. It is frequently used in idiomatic expressions such as 「生まれながらに」(since birth), 「涙ながらに」(with tears), or 「昔ながらの」(traditional).



【Translation】The traditional scenery of the past still remains in this town today.


【Translation】He has had talent since birth.


【Translation】She spoke about what happened that day with tears in her eyes.


【Translation】He does his work in the traditional way.


【Translation】You can’t change the environment you were born into, but you can change your future with effort.


N5 〜ながら ★★★

N2 〜ながらも ★★

N1 〜も さることながら