〜ん じゃない



  動詞 + じゃない

  形容詞 + じゃない

  形容動詞 or 形容動詞なん + じゃない

  名詞 or 名詞なん + じゃない



【訳文】「〜んじゃない」is a casual form of 「〜のではない」used in informal contexts. The meaning and nuance can vary depending on the context, but it generally has three main uses:
1.Prohibition or caution: It is used to give a non-official warning or prohibition, meaning “you should not do ~.”
2.Speculation: It is used when making a guess or assumption about something.
3.Casual question: It is used in a casual way to ask for someone’s opinion or about a situation.



【訳文】Don’t do something so dangerous.


【訳文】I think he might have caught a cold.


【訳文】Isn’t this really necessary?


【訳文】Isn’t that a bit strange?


【訳文】I think that store might be closed already.


N3 〜じゃないか ★★

N2 〜では ないか(意向) ★★