〜は〜では ありません でした



  名詞1 + 名詞2では + ありませんでした



【訳文】This sentence pattern is a polite negative expression used to state that noun 1 was not noun 2 in the past. It is used when explaining past facts or states that were not the case. In spoken language, 「〜では」 is often replaced with 「〜じゃ」, and 「ありませんでした」 is frequently replaced with 「なかったです」. Similar to "… was not ...” in English.



【訳文】I was not a student.


【訳文】He was not a teacher.


【訳文】She was not a doctor.


【訳文】They were not students.


【訳文】We were not friends.


N5 〜は〜では なかった ★★★

N5 ~は〜でした ★★★