


  動詞 + ものの

  形容詞 + ものの

  形容動詞 + ものの

  名詞ある + ものの



【訳文】「ものの」is a conjunction used to acknowledge a certain fact but indicate that the expected outcome does not materialize. It carries a sense of contrast and is primarily used in written language.



【訳文】Although I obtained the qualification, I haven’t been able to use it in my job.


【訳文】Even though I read the manual, I still don’t understand how to use it.


【訳文】Although we were ready to leave, the trip was postponed due to bad weather.


【訳文】Although I bought a new car, I’m too scared to drive it.


【訳文】Although I intended to study, I ended up doing nothing.


N1 〜とは いうものの・言い条 ★☆

N2 〜から いい ような ものの ★☆