動詞て形ても + 始まらない
【訳文】This sentence pattern expresses that doing something is meaningless, does not lead to a solution, or will not change the situation. It is used when actions are futile or when the situation is already too late to be resolved.
【訳文】It’s no use regretting what’s already done.
【訳文】It’s pointless to lament the time that’s passed, so let’s think about what to do next.
【訳文】Complaining won’t help, so let’s quickly find a solution.
【訳文】I don't think it's worth getting anxious now.
【訳文】There’s no point in stopping to think here.
N3 〜を 始め ★★
N4 ~始める ★★☆
N2 〜て はじめて ★★