〜と いえども



  動詞 + いえども

  形容詞 + いえども

  形容動詞 + いえども

  名詞 + いえども



【訳文】This sentence pattern expresses that, although something is assumed, the result or situation contradicts the initial expectation or general understanding. It is used when presenting a different situation from what was anticipated.



【訳文】Even a doctor cannot cure all diseases.


【訳文】Even if you are an elder, you shouldn’t be rude to others.


【訳文】Even though they are the parents, they cannot fully control their children’s lives.


【訳文】Even the best athletes cannot win every time.


【訳文】Even though you’re busy, you must still value time with your family.


N1 〜と 言えなくも ない ★☆