〜と 言えなくも ない



  動詞 + 言えなくない

  形容詞辞書 + 言えなくない

  形容動詞 + 言えなくない

  名詞 + 言えなくない



【訳文】This sentence pattern is used to express that, while the speaker doesn’t fully agree, they recognize that a certain amount of the claim or opinion might be true.



【訳文】You could say that, but it might be better to think about it a little more.


【訳文】This plan was not entirely impossible, but it was opposed.


【訳文】You could say I understand his point, but I can’t agree with it.


【訳文】You could say her behavior is selfish.


【訳文】You could say the result was unexpected, but it’s not entirely surprising.


N1 〜と いえども ★☆