動詞 + ものを
形容詞 + ものを
形容動詞な + ものを
【訳文】This sentence pattern expresses disappointment about an undesired outcome resulting from the non-occurrence of an action or situation. It is used to convey regret, dissatisfaction, or disappointment when the expected result did not happen.
【訳文】If you had called, I would have come to pick you up.
【訳文】If you had told me earlier, we would have made it on time.
【訳文】If you had just said something, I would have helped you.
【訳文】If we had discussed it more calmly, we could have cleared up the misunderstanding.
【訳文】If I had more time, I could have prepared.
N4 〜もの ★★★
N3 〜ものだ ★★