【訳文】「ここ」「そこ」「あそこ」「どこ」are demonstrative pronouns used to refer to places, with “ここ” indicating a place near the speaker, “そこ” a place near the listener, “あそこ” a place far from both, and “どこ” is used to ask where. Similar to "here”, "there” and "where” in English.
【訳文】Where is the restroom?
【訳文】the accident scene is here.
【訳文】Please look over there.
【訳文】That is the meeting room.
【訳文】It's there.
N5 これ・それ・あれ ★★★
N5 この・その・あの ★★★
N5 こちら・そちら・あちら ★★★
N5 こう・そう・ああ ★★★
N5 こんな・そんな・あんな ★★★