動詞た形 + つもり
動詞て形 + いる + つもり
形容詞辞書形 + つもり
形容動詞な + つもり
名詞の + つもり
【Translation】This sentence pattern is used to express that the speaker’s intention or belief differs from reality, or that they are pretending to do something. It emphasizes the discrepancy between the speaker’s intention and the actual situation.
【Translation】I thought that the problem was solved.
【Translation】If you overdo it thinking you’re still young, you’ll harm your health.
【Translation】He said it as a joke, but everyone took it seriously.
【Translation】She might think she is perfect, but everyone has flaws.
【Translation】I thought I had finished, but there were still things left to do.
N4 〜つもり ★★☆
N4 〜た つもりで ★★
N2 〜た つもり〜ない ★★