動詞て形ては + かなわない
形容詞て形ては + かなわない
形容動詞では + かなわない
名詞では + かなわない
【Translation】This sentence pattern expresses discomfort or distress caused by something unbearable, either mentally or physically. It is often used to complain or convey dissatisfaction, including mild grievances.
【Translation】I can’t stand working overtime every day.
【Translation】I can’t stand being complained to all the time.
【Translation】I can’t stand this much noise.
【Translation】I can't handle having so much homework.
【Translation】It's no good if the product is broken.
N1 〜て やまない ★☆
N2 〜っこない ★☆
N1 〜を 禁じ得ない ★
N2 〜て ばかりは いられない ★☆