〜を 禁じ得ない


  名詞 + 禁じ得ない



【Translation】This sentence pattern conveys emotions that cannot be suppressed and naturally arise, such as surprise, admiration, or anger. It is a somewhat formal expression.



【Translation】I cannot suppress my sadness over his sudden death.


【Translation】I cannot help but feel anger towards this unfair decision.


【Translation】I cannot help but feel moved by his courageous actions.


【Translation】I could not hold back tears after hearing the news of this tragic accident.


【Translation】I could not suppress my admiration for this beautiful scenery.


N1 〜ては かなわない ★☆

N1 〜て やまない ★☆

N2 〜っこない ★☆

N2 〜て ばかりは いられない ★☆