【Translation】「こちら」「そちら」「あちら」「どちら」are polite demonstrative pronouns used for indicating places, directions, or people. “こちら” refers to something near the speaker, “そちら” to something near the listener, “あちら” to something far from both, and “どちら” is used to ask politely which one. “こっち・そっち・あっち・どっち” are colloquial forms often used in casual settings. Similar to "here/this”, "there/that” and "where/which” in English.
【Translation】Which one is the correct answer?
【Translation】That is the important part of the contract.
【Translation】Is this the reception desk?
【Translation】Please go straight down that road.
【Translation】I can't decide which restaurant to go to.
N5 これ・それ・あれ ★★★
N5 この・その・あの ★★★
N5 ここ・そこ・あそこ ★★★
N5 こう・そう・ああ ★★★
N5 こんな・そんな・あんな ★★★