


  動詞ます+ きる



【訳文】“〜きる” is a sentence pattern used with the masu-stem of verbs to indicate the completion of an action or the thoroughness of an activity. This expression emphasizes the full accomplishment or thoroughness of the action.



【訳文】I used up all of this detergent.


【訳文】I finished reading this book.


【訳文】He finished the marathon.


【訳文】He bought everything he wanted.


【訳文】The children finished all the snacks.


N3 〜きれる・〜きれない ★★☆

N1 〜たら きりが ない ★☆

N1 〜ては やりきれない ★☆

N3 〜通す ★★

N2 〜抜く ★★

N3 〜上がる ★★