〜では 済まされない



  名詞では + 済まされない

  動詞 (+ ) + では + 済まされない



【訳文】This sentence pattern expresses that a matter or situation cannot be simply solved and requires more severe actions or responsibilities. It is used primarily in cases involving serious consequences or social impacts.



【訳文】This failure cannot be resolved with just an apology.


【訳文】His actions are so serious that a simple warning won’t be enough.


【訳文】Since significant damage was caused, financial compensation alone won’t suffice.


【訳文】Since the company’s confidential information was leaked, a light punishment won’t suffice.


【訳文】The environmental impact is severe, so this incident cannot be resolved with just a simple fix.


N3 〜と いっても ★★

N2 〜ないで 済む ★★