動詞わ + 動詞わ + で
形容詞わ + 形容詞わ + で
形容動詞わ + 形容動詞わ + で
【訳文】This sentence pattern lists multiple elements in the same sentence to emphasize difficult or chaotic situations caused by overlapping issues. It is mainly used in negative contexts to describe complex or troublesome scenarios.
【訳文】He had a tough day, catching a cold and getting food poisoning.
【訳文】Work is piling up, and I can’t finish the housework, so I’m feeling stressed.
【訳文】The roads were crowded, and the train was delayed, so I was late for work.
【訳文】My computer broke, and the internet wouldn’t connect, so I couldn’t get any work done.
【訳文】I didn’t have enough materials, and I was short on time, so I couldn’t prepare for the presentation.
N1 〜だの 〜だの ★☆
N1 〜と いい 〜と いい ★★