


  動詞 + 場合

  形容詞 + 場合

  形容動詞 + 場合

  名詞 + 場合



【訳文】「〜場合」is a pattern used to express conditions or situations, indicating that something must be done or an action will occur if certain conditions or situations are met. Similar to "when …” in English.



【訳文】If the product arrival is delayed, we will contact you immediately.


【訳文】If you feel unwell, please do not overexert yourself.


【訳文】If you have any questions, please raise your hand.


【訳文】In case of any changes, we will notify you in advance.


【訳文】If you will be late, please call.


N3 〜場合じゃない ★★

N5 〜とき ★★★

N2 〜際に ★★☆

N2 〜折りに ★☆