〜に 則って



  名詞 + 則って

  名詞 + 則り



【Translation】This sentence pattern expresses acting in accordance with specific standards, norms, rules, or traditions. It is used to describe actions judged or carried out based on legitimate rules, laws, customs, or policies.



【Translation】This issue needs to be handled in accordance with the law.


【Translation】All decisions are made in accordance with the company’s policy.


【Translation】All judging will be conducted according to the competition rules.


【Translation】The court makes decisions in accordance with the constitution.


【Translation】Classes are being conducted in accordance with the educational policy.


N2 〜を もとに ★★

N2 〜に 基づいて ★★

N2 〜に 沿って ★★

N1 〜に 準じて ★★

N1 〜に 即して・〜に 則して ★★

N1 〜を 踏まえて ★★

N1 〜に 照らして ★☆