動詞意向形 + ものなら
【訳文】This sentence pattern emphasizes a condition where, if an action were taken, undesirable results or serious consequences would definitely occur. It is used when imagining a situation that should realistically be avoided or where the possibility of such an outcome is low.
【訳文】If you were to say something like that to him, he would get angry right away.
【訳文】If you were to take on that job, you would likely lose all your time to sleep.
【訳文】If you were to lie, it would probably get found out right away.
【訳文】If you were to jump from such a high place, you would definitely get seriously injured.
【訳文】If you were to buy that car, your savings would probably be all gone.
N4 〜もの ★★★
N2 〜ものなら(可能) ★★
N2 〜では ないか(意向) ★★