〜に 沿って・〜に 沿い



  名詞 + 沿って

  名詞 + 沿い



【訳文】This sentence pattern expresses acting in accordance with a certain standard, policy, or expectation. It is mainly used when following a path or rule, or using it as a guideline to proceed.



【訳文】The new rules will be applied according to the guidelines.


【訳文】You can feel the nature as you walk along the river.


【訳文】We are developing new businesses in line with the company’s vision.


【訳文】Please proceed with the work according to the procedure.


【訳文】Let's interpret according to the law.


N2 〜に 基づいて ★★

N2 〜を もとに ★★

N1 〜に 準じて ★★

N1 〜に 即して・〜に 則して ★★

N1 〜に 則って ★★

N1 〜を 踏まえて ★★

N1 〜に 照らして ★☆