名詞に + 即して
名詞に + 即した
名詞に + 則して
名詞に + 則した
【訳文】This sentence pattern indicates that actions or thoughts are carried out in accordance with standards, rules, or circumstances. It is used to show that behavior is aligned with specific criteria.
【訳文】We should make plans based on the reality.
【訳文】All procedures will be carried out in accordance with the law.
【訳文】We must act in accordance with the rules.
【訳文】The penalties will be decided in accordance with the school’s rules.
【訳文】Appropriate action based on this situation is necessary.
N2 〜を もとに ★★
N2 〜に 基づいて ★★
N2 〜に 沿って ★★
N1 〜に 準じて ★★
N1 〜に 則って ★★
N1 〜を 踏まえて ★★
N1 〜に 照らして ★☆