〜で 〜が 一番〜



  範囲 + 名詞 + 一番



【訳文】This sentence pattern is used to express the best, most appropriate, or most desirable choice or item, or conversely, the worst or most unsuitable.



【訳文】He is the tallest in this class.


【訳文】Which city is the most livable in Japan?


【訳文】Mother is the best cook in the family.


【訳文】This product is the most popular in this store.


【訳文】Father is the worst cook in the family.


N1 〜に 越した ことは ない ★★

N2 〜こと この上 ない ★☆

N1 〜極まる・〜極まりない ★☆

N1 〜に 如くは ない