〜なら ともかく



  動詞辞書なら + ともなく

  形容詞辞書なら + ともなく

  形容動詞なら + ともなく

  名詞なら + ともなく



【Translation】This sentence pattern expresses that a situation or condition wouldn’t be problematic in one context but would be in another.



【Translation】It would be understandable if it were an elementary school student, but it’s a problem if a university student can’t solve this.


【Translation】It would be okay if the weather were good, but it’s hard to play outside on a rainy day.


【Translation】It would be fine if there were enough time, but it’s impossible to handle this many documents when in a hurry.


【Translation】It would be understandable if it were a beginner, but it’s a problem if an experienced person makes this mistake.


【Translation】It would be okay if it were for a short period, but working at this pace long-term is impossible.


N2 〜は ともかく ★☆

N2 〜まだしも ★★

N1 〜なら いざしらず