動詞辞書形 + 限り (+ は)
動詞可能形 + 限り (+ は)
名詞の + 限り (+ は)
【訳文】This sentence pattern is used to indicate that something can be done to the maximum extent within a given range or limitation. It shows the speaker’s intent to do as much as possible within certain conditions.
【訳文】I pulled on the solid door with all my strength.
【訳文】As long as this contract is valid, we must adhere to these conditions.
【訳文】As long as I can move, I want to continue doing this job.
【訳文】As long as time permits, I want to read this book.
【訳文】She screamed at the top of her lungs.
N2 〜限りは(状態) ★★
N2 〜限り では(範囲) ★★
N2 〜に 限って ★★
N2 〜に 限る ★★
N2 〜に 限らず ★★
N2 〜とは 限らない ★★
N2 〜ない 限り ★★
N1 〜限りだ ★☆
N1 〜に 限った ことでは ない ★★
N1 〜を 限りに ★☆
N2 限りなく〜近い ★☆